Meeke Addison is wife to Wil and mom to their six children. In addition to serving as a spokesperson for American Family Association, Meeke is assistant director of the Marriage, Family, Life Conference, hosted annually by AFA. Meeke is a New Orleans native with over 20 years of ministry experience. Her work with AFA began in 2007 as a stay-at-home mom in Louisiana, when she accepted an invitation to co-host a local AFR morning show. In 2008, the Addison family of four moved from Louisiana to Mississippi to join the ministry of AFA full-time.
Meeke is a conference speaker, women’s teacher, and author. As a pro-family activist, she keeps a close eye on politics, pop culture, and the Church. Meeke focuses on equipping everyday Christians to effectively engage and transform culture. Her mission is calling Christians to make sound connections between cultural/political activism and biblical conviction.
Meeke co-hosts Airing the Addisons, a national radio program heard weekdays on American Family Radio, livestreamed on Facebook, and via podcast. Of all the roles Meeke fills, the most important are wife to Wil and mother and chief educator of their six children. The kitchen table must be big enough to handle daily life and robust discipleship!
Watch Meeke’s 2023 session “Culture Proofing Our Families.”
Watch Meeke’s 2020 Session “Impacting the Next Generation with the Gospel.”
Listen to the Airing the Addisons podcast:
Attend the Marriage Family Life Conference:
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