Jeannie Fulbright, CCFC, MFA, is the author of the #1 best-selling, multi award-winning Exploring Creation elementary science series published by Apologia and has been speaking and writing to encourage and build up the homeschool community for twenty years. Her passion is to empower parents to homeschool with excellence and to trust God with every aspect of their children’s education.
A veteran homeschool mom of four, Jeannie has watched her children graduate, blossom, pursue their passions, and become incredibly successful men and women of God. She believes every homeschooled child can flourish, no matter what limitations they may have. Her mission is to provide parents with teaching and tools, equipping them to give their children an excellent education without sacrificing peace and joy.
Whether through her science series, soon to be released high school college and career manual My Road Map to College and Career, Charlotte Mason tools and teaching, or her videos and blogs, Jeannie is dedicated to helping parents become the best homeschool educators they can be.
Watch Jeannie Fulbright’s session, “7 Essential Tools for Developing Self-Motivated Children”.
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